Traction transformers

Traction transformers

Cleaner process, better efficiency.

Customer case from Alstom, a manufacturer of on-board traction transformers for rolling stock.

The problem

On-board traction transformers are electrical devices used to convert the electrical energy of a train into the mechanical energy needed to move it. They are installed on the train itself and their function is to reduce the voltage of the electrical energy coming from the overhead line to a level suitable for driving the traction motors.

The manufacturing process includes a step in which the coating is removed from the ends of the electrical conductors of the transformer to connect them to the motor.

Safety and production

Traditionally, the process used was based on a tool to clamp the copper plates (conductors) with electrical resistors. This method produced a lot of smoke and airborne particles, which made the working environment difficult. The operators had to wear a protective mask connected to a clean air system that required regular maintenance. This resulted in production stoppages and high maintenance costs.
The challenge
Alstom needed to establish that its current process was feasible with induction and that there was an induction supplier capable of adapting to its specific needs: improving operating conditions with the ability to change locations and with minimal maintenance to increase process productivity and reduce costs.

The solution

GH Induction adapted its Aghile mobile product 100% to Alstom's needs, providing ergonomic and safety features with low maintenance that improved operator comfort and therefore improved results.

The benefits

The customer highlighted the following benefits:

  • A cleaner and more comfortable environment
  • Increased equipment availability
  • Reduced maintenance time and costs
  • Flexibility of location

Key factors

100% adaptability to customer requirements.

Aghile family for low maintenance manual operation.

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